In the late 1970's, an organization was formed whose sole purpose was to recognize former great Garfield High School athletes and coaches. The individuals on the committee recognized a need to perpetuate student and community pride in the rich athletic traditions of Garfield High School. By doing so, it was hoped that more youth today would be encouraged to become involved in athletics and emulate these outstanding individuals. The organization became known as the Garfield High School Athletic Hall of Fame.
The Hall of Fame continues to flourish. Community support is witnessed by the many generous participants in our Souvenir Program Book. In addition to honoring Garfield's athletic greats, the Hall of Fame provides scholarship money to student-athletes of Garfield High School. The proceeds from the ad book and ticket sales go directly into scholarship money which has given the youth of Garfield the opportunity to advance their pursuits of higher education and succeed in the professional world.
We thank all of our sponsors for their continuous support of the Garfield Athletic Hall of Fame. Without your support, none of this would be possible! The Hall of Fame Committee spent two years in organizing the first induction on April 24, 1982. On that night, fifteen of our truly outstanding athletes and coaches were inducted. Ten were inducted each year thereafter. They exemplified the traditions and dedication upon which the Hall of Fame was founded. We honor the achievements of these athletes and teams to inspire today's athletes and coaches to make the sacrifice necessary for excellence, and become tomorrow's outstanding citizens in our great city of Garfield and our great nation.
Frank M. Dawson III
Garfield HS Athletic Hall of Fame Committee